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A New Way to Count to 10


My whole life I have struggled with a temper. I would do my best to anticipate potential obstacles that might present themselves in order to prepare myself mentally. Sadly this method does not always prevent me from getting angry. However, recently God has given me a new approach!

We recently moved from New Jersey to South Carolina. I found myself having to deal with my anger in a whole new way. As I sat in my wheelchair, unable to communicate effectively or physically help, I felt angry inside. I wanted to be involved, have things done a certain way, and help with all that had to be done. I couldn't! The ironic twist to my temper is that I can no longer mask it or hide it. The feeling of anger causes my muscles start to seize up and I can't move. Comically for those observing this grand display of "maturity" I then get more mad because I got mad and now I am completely paralyzed! I end up in my bedroom, bent over in my wheelchair trying to breathe and waiting for my muscles to relax. So in one of these moments God brought to mind the song THY WILL.

Instead of counting to 10

I sang


10 times!

In the process of saying these four words I was reminded that God is in control, He has a plan, no one can stop Him, and I am secure in His hands. For me this is my new way of dealing with my anger!


10 times!

You will probably still see me get mad but please pray that I surrender my will to

His and sing


Oh, and just for the record God sent an army of people to help pack, clean, load, drive, unload and unpack! He provided abundantly and perfectly suited to His plan! Just saying...His WILL was better than my plans!

I cried out, “I am slipping!” but your unfailing love,

O Lord, supported me. When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.

Psalms 94:18,19


Thy Will by Hillary Scott and the Scott Family

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