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Duct Tape

Duct Tape


I have been embarrassed by the words that would come out of my mouth if they could! Due to ALS I have a built in filter that protects the people around me from having to hear the unnecessary comments that I have to make about life. I long to be spirit controlled without the Lord having to put duct tape on my mouth!

The book of James says that no one can tame the tongue. Sigh, I know that is so true! I have been asking the Lord every morning to help me be a blessing. I want the words that I can still communicate to edify not cause damage. If today was the last day that I have to speak what would the ones that I love hear?

Being negative, critical, harsh, self promoting and putting others down only reveals that my heart is not yielded to the Lord! I am the one with a huge plank in my eye trying to point out the speck of dust in yours (Matthew 7). Being able to encourage, affirm, defend, and speak the truth in love is only possible when I use spiritual duct tape.This means I need to take a moment run the things I want to say before the Lord, asking Him to convict me before I make a mess!

You would think being handicapped would make it easier not to sin. However, I have more time to be still before the Lord and see how much more I need to grow. Please pray for me as I long to be His voice when the Spiritual Duct Tape comes off!!

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.

Psalm 19:14

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