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I have come to see words differently over the past few years living with ALS. I recently received a painting from one of my daughter's friends. It is hanging beside my bed. In the process of looking at it every morning while I wait to start my day I have been challenged. "In Your Presence There Is The Fullness Of Joy."

How often do I pursue FUN looking for joy, instead of having JOY so I can make situations fun? For the first time it has hit me. The only way for me to have JOY is to be in God's presence. If I allow anything else to take my attention away from Him I will be unable to experience JOY! "Pray Without Ceasing" is not an option, communicating keeps me in His presence and be able to REJOICE and GIVE THANKS in every situation (I Thes. 5:16-18).

If I call 911 the dispatcher can stay on the phone with me until help arrives. They are there to offer guidance, support and comfort. Their presence on the phone is real! How incredibly more powerful to be able to be in God's presence? Nothing is too big, disastrous, complicated, overwhelming, disappointing, discouraging, or emotional for Him! Who God is my fullness of joy. It is my choice, every moment of every day, to experience JOY!

My Christmas wish this year is PRESENCE not PRESENTS!

Thank you for my thoughtful gift Carter!


You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever.

Psalm 16:11


Marty Nystrom- In Your Presence

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