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When the doctor told me that I had ALS I pictured that I was put in an virtual line of people. I was waiting for my now imminent date with the Lord. When He chose to call people who I had love home before me I was surprised! Susan Finkbiener, my high school youth leader and role model. Jane Meacham, fellow teacher and my precious mentor. Howard Presnall, my prayer warrior partner. Megan Johnson, my former student and an incredible testimony of God's grace. Why did God call them ahead of me?

They all possessed talents, skills, charisma, boldness, courage, and influence that they used for God's glory! When God took them home my heart hurt! Knowing that they were here living victoriously in spite of their obstacles inspired me! They were able to praise the Lord and be at peace. God was BIG in and through them, even NOW!

Elisha didn't want Elijah to go either! (II Kings 2) However, Elisha asked Elijah to be able to have the same power that he possessed! Elisha wanted to be able to carry on the mission! So here I sit in my purple wheelchair wanting to do the same! In the relay of life my dear teammates are no longer here! I'm not able to replace them or fill their shoes but I can continue to proclaim that the God they served is BIGGER! I will pick up the baton and in their honor and for His Glory live yielded to His will like they did! He is WORTHY!


2 Kings 2:9

When they had crossed, Elijah said to Elisha, “Ask what I shall do for you, before I am taken from you.” And Elisha said, “Please let there be a double portion of your spirit on me.”



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